I have been reading that yesterday was supposed to have been the bleakest and most depressing day of the year. Some (no-doubt-pseudo-)scientists have done some spurious calculation to show that we are most likely to be depressed yesterday.
George Bush was removed from office yesterdayYesterday was the first full day in the workshop with all facilities operationalIt snowed very pleasantly for a few hours, making everything look nice, then thawed before neds could make snowballsAfter travelling all weekend, I slept really wellAll in all, it was a really good day for me. Probably the best in weeks.
I'm not really sure what all these "studies" are about: they seem to be increasingly common, but it seems to me that it is all too easy to talk the population in general into ways of thinking, backed up by spurious formulae based on vague notions by these pseudo-scientists called sociologists.
I'll post pictures of my excellent visit to Brussels later this evening.